Champagne Dolls tonight

Giant Champagne Glasses & Strolling-roaming Champagne Skirts for tonight's private party at Petite Taqueria in Los Angeles. Our Client wanted tones of gold so we customized some shimmer and LED lights just for her Event. We love lighting up each Event! and love our Clients who let us do what we do!
#TributeProductions #MrsBellasDolls #ChampagneDolls #GiantChampagneGlass #GirlInGlass #ChampagneSkirts #ChampagneDresses #PrivateEvent #EventEntertainment #ChampagneGirls #ChampagneShowgirls #GiantMartiniGlass #LED LEDdress #LEDcostume #customecostumes #Models #PetiteTaqueria #LosAngeles
