Hawaiian Champagne Dolls

Getting a little Tahitian tonight for our repeat Client Yardi with our gorgeous Hawaiian inspired #StrollingChampagneDress alongside our #HumanStrollingTables helping not only with pouring the bubbly, but our beauties will be passing out very important key items for the guests. Our Strolling Tables & Skirts are not just gorgeous, but they serve as a fun & friendly way to engage your guests and make sure to pass along anything you need to communicate to party-goers.
We are engaging entertainment!
#EventEntertainment #HumanTables #StrollingTables #ChampagneLady #ChampagneDress #RoamingEntertainment #ChampagneSkirts #TikiTheme #Leis #brandambassadors #branding #SanDiego #MrsBellaDolls #TributeProductions #Yardi #ChampagneDolls #HumanTable #ChampagneCagedSkirts
